Saturday, October 23, 2010

Promoting NGOs online

Important methods to be followed for Non Profit Marketing:

1. Managing Marketing Material:

Using the information and brochures available about activities of your organization describing the benefits, services, donation opportunities, values and marketing, strategies can be developed to attain maximum results. Social media such as Twitter and Face book also can provide you with ways to reach out to those interested in your organization at a low cost and in effective way.

2. Presence of Internet marketing:

Using web site as a great resource to display useful information, news, monthly, events, newsletters etc a huge benefit to your organization can be obtained. You can research your website and increase your customer database to achieve maximum benefits. Do not let these resources be wasted. Use them for follow-up telephone calls, special mailings, alliance development, event invitations and market segmentation.

Search for alliances with other commerce organizations, government, business and advertising media. This often brings the most benefit to nonprofit organizations.

3. SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats)

Using this analysis you will need to know how important it is in non profit marketing.

What are the current strengths of your volunteer program?


Opportunities - these are events or things outside your control that you could take advantage of

Keep in mind that word-of-mouth from clients, volunteers, and the community is one of the most powerful marketing tools at an organization's disposal.

Threats - these are events or things outside your control that could prove


4. Marketing Research

You need to decide upon the budget and a time frame. You should speak to the managers or clients requesting about the research and have to make sure that you agree on the problem.

Once approved, then move on to the next step. Go ahead and collect the data. Conduct the analysis of the data. Write your final report. This will contain charts, tables, and diagrams that will communicate the results of the research, and hopefully lead to a solution to your problem. Watch out for errors in interpretation.

Monday, May 17, 2010

10 New features of Exchange 2010

What’s New in Microsoft Exchange Server 2010

Exchange Server 2010 TrainingExchange has been known for its extensive feature list, including: email, calendars, contacts, and storage management.

With the 2010 update, they have addressed a few long standing issues and included additional functionality to help solve a crop of new, modern business problems.

The benefits? Unification, lowered costs, higher availability, and improved security.

Let’s review the top 10 new features.

1. Webmail

The new outlook web access (OWA) webmail client allows for delegation of administrative tasks. It also includes updated self-help options, intended to reduce help desk calls and ultimately, costs.

The Exchange Control Panel allows users to set their own email rule-set, create distribution groups, and track message delivery. And, if you lose your phone, you can remote wipe from your browser.

Another import feature is the inclusion of support for Firefox and Safari as well as Internet Explorer.

2. Legal Hold

By now, most corporate employees are aware that email should not be considered private. In fact, email has been subpoenaed for court cases.

But corporate policies that outline conflicting message retention dictates make balancing legal requirements against increasing storage costs, a challenge. In response, Exchange now has a legal hold feature that allows for the retention of email, even if archived or deleted.

3. Multi-Mailbox Search

As a tie-in to the legal hold feature, the multi-mailbox search function will allow for searches spanning multiple users’ inboxes. This feature will prove useful for enterprises that need to search their entire systems, perhaps based off a few keywords.

4. Exchange Control Panel

The Exchange Management Console and Exchange Management Shell have been joined by the Exchange Control Panel. This is a new, user-level and administrator management tool that lets users perform basic tasks, and allows admins to perform tasks remotely, using a web interface.

The more an end user is able to accomplish with help desk intervention, should translate to lower costs.

5. Database Availability Groups

Exchange 2010 introduces the concept of database availability groups. The idea is to allow you to designate multiple servers to host copies of individual databases. This is a feature designed to provide for a type of automatic backup. If one database fails, data can easily be restored from one of the availability groups.

This will definitely prove to be an essential tool for business critical email.

6. Database-Level Failover

In previous Exchange versions, a failure would affect an entire cluster. But with the 2010 update, a database failure will be contained to only that database.

7. Voice Mail Transcription

Instead of storing email messages only as sometimes difficult to access attachments, Exchange 2010 now has a speech recognition engine that will automatically transcribe voice mail messages.

The message will still appear as an attachment, which will allow for indexing, but will include a written text preview of the message.

8. Call answering rules

At some point, we’ve all encountered an automated attendant, directing us to press an option on our keypads to handle call routing. This nifty feature has found its way to the end user.

Call Answering Rules allows employees to setup their own call routing rules. For instance, they can send certain calls to voice mail, to their cell or home phones, or to ring through to their desks.

9. Personal Archive

Users in this version of Exchange have a new tool to help manage often unruly inboxes.

Personal archive allows for essentially two mailboxes — a primary mailbox and an archive mailbox. The archive is as readily available and easily browsed as the primary inbox.

10. Retention Policies

With the new retention policies in Exchange 2010, users can determine when messages should expire. This can be done at the folder or individual message level.

Permissions can be tricky and determining resources access requirements can be a time-consuming activity. However, using role-based access control greatly simplifies this process.

Rather than assigning permissions, an administrator can indicate tasks that a resource will perform. The appropriate permissions will then be assigned automatically.